
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - May 10th, 11th and 12th - 
The Newsroom was a flurry of action!!  The crews are working diligently to ensure that a quality newspaper, broadcast and blog is being delivered on a daily basis, while also designing a robot that will function as a meteorologist  in competition against the other corporations.  The crew has taken on a large workload and handled it with enthusiasm and grace.  The expectations placed upon them were high and there was no room for error.  Overall, they pulled off the impossible by running two separate corporations all at once.  Impressive!!
Tuesday - May 9th, 2015 - 
     Wow!! The days are flying by.  The newsroom once again met all expectations head on and were successful.  Deadlines are being met and obstacles are getting blasted out of the way.  It is truly amazing to watch them collaborate and problem solve on their own.  They are using critical thinking skills to make decisions that impact the team.  Compromise is clearly evident in all areas of the room.  This will be our final week of news production, as the corporation will be competing in the Robotics challenge.  They must begin to prepare for next Friday.  Thank you so much for being such loyal followers.
Monday - 6/8/15 - 
     Today in the Newsroom, the media specialists realized that they didn't have a functional robot that could complete the tasks that envisioned.  It was amazing to see them get the crew together for an emergency meeting and discuss what their vision was for Rocky.  This type of communication was necessary for the builders and programmers.  They needed to receive clear directives and expectations in order to carry out their duties.  The group learned a valuable lesson on communicating their ideas in a clear way in order to ensure that the listener understood the expectations.
     The news side of the room is running smoothly, thanks to the efforts of Miss. Barrett, who was the substitute teacher for the past 8 school days.  She was extremely effective in keeping the students on task and always driving toward their end goals.  Nice job Miss. Barrett!!!

Friday 6/5/2015-
    Another end to a very busy week. It is exciting to see STEM "6" Media Corps. mission board taking shape. The mat now has pictures showing a town after being hit by a tornado. Workers have mapped out the route that ROCKY will take during the demonstration. I wish STEM "6" Media Newsroom the best of luck on completing the next two weeks. It has been a pleasure working with them.

Thursday 6/4/2015-
    Newsroom students are feeling the pressure to keep up momentum delivering the news and still turn out an A+ demonstration on the 19th to highlight ROCKY'S capabilities. The effort to make the mission board mat has students digging deep into their creative sides. New challenges are being faced every day and students are learning to use critical thinking skills. At group meetings they identify actions that are not working and ask "why do you think this isn't working?" They analyse new ideas and determine solutions that they apply the next day.

Tuesday 6/2/2015-
     Another busy day in the newsroom. Builders today worked on the design for their practice mat. They soon realized how important it was to scale the size of houses and the tornado in relation to the size of their robot.

Monday 6/1/2015-
      Lack of students today (due to a field trip) had remaining newsroom members on their toes. Some key personnel were missing and it took some initiative from others to fill their shoes. Unfortunately, due to this issue the Newsroom's Robotalk Business Report had to be rescheduled. A rocky start to the week but the newsroom forged ahead to deliver you with the latest news.

Friday 5/29/2015-
      To someone looking in from the outside STEM "6" Media Corporation's newsroom may look chaotic. It is! POSITIVE CHAOS! I am amazed by the hustle and bustle and the initiative that students are showing. They are learning to manage their time, to effectively communicate with each other and to set and meet expectations. Visiting 5th grade students were able to get a glimpse into this today. The newsroom enjoyed giving them a brief taste of the excitement and challenges they will be a part of next year. Today, students started constructing buildings as part of a demonstration to show just what their robot will be able to do and at the End Of The Day Meeting a discussion was taking place about positive work ethics and why they are important. Challenges are being faced and solutions are being implemented. One student stated "So, solve the problem we are in STEM right now!" Another statement today was "This is not about friendship and goofing around, it is about work and getting something accomplished." To a successful week completed :)

Thursday 5/28/2015- 
   With an abundance of enthusiasm STEM "6" Media Corporation had another successful day reporting the news. As if publishing the paper, broadcasting, updating blogs, interviewing and meeting deadlines was not enough, this energetic group of young professionals has added a Radio Talk Show to the list. The first Radio Talk Show interview was held today and features CEO Kierra Morey. I look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.
  " With an enthusiast team you can achieve almost anything."-Tahir Shah

Wednesday 5/27/15-
   What an exciting day in the Newsroom! We would like to welcome Mr. Tommy Williams, from Clarkson University's Robotics Program. Mr Williams will be here to guide and offer some assistance to our programmers and engineers. The energy level was high today and momentum continues to supply you with informative and "edge of your seat" news!

Wednesday and Thursday - 5/20/15 - 5/21/15-
       Wow!! Time does certainly fly.  This Newsroom is already exceeding all of my expectations.  That have effectively published papers, broadcast, and blogs on time and on deadline.  They now understand what stress really is and are using it for a wonderful cause.  They understand that pressure and stress can be a good thing that motivates us to perform.
       They have also begun to ad advertisements to the newspaper.  Our Talk Show Host has set up dates and times to meet with the corporation CEO's, which will begin on May 28th.  The payroll department has collected time sheets and everyone should be getting their first paycheck on Wednesday.  Some will make more than others due to attendance and overtime.
       This will be my last post for a few weeks.  So I say goodbye.  The Newsroom will be in very competent hands as Miss Barrett takes over.  She will continue to update the daily progress of the students.

Monday and Tuesday - 5/18/15 - 5/19/15 -
       The Newsroom started out the week struggling to meet deadlines and implementing our work force in an efficient manner.  We were able to sit down as a corporation and make a list of the most important items that needed to be accomplished each day.  it was amazing to watch leaders step up and drive the discussion.  An agenda, with deadlines, was created that sets mandatory requirements each day.  If these requirements are not met, then we must revisit the positions of those struggling employees.
       After this meeting, there were immediate results.  We were able to produce our first edition of the Newspaper on time, online, and in hard copy form.  The news broadcast also went off without any catches and looked amazing.  The blog post was concise, informative and well written as well.  We still have a few major issues to deal with, especially what to do with our staff when there is downtime.
       Tomorrow, we will address our budget, corporation requirements, daily talk show, and a few other issues.  Stay tuned in and please enjoy what they Newsroom has to offer.
Friday - 5/15/15 -
       Wow!!  Things are chaotic in the Newsroom.  It is a positive chaos however.  The journalists have really been busy.  Over the past two days they have created driving questions, need to know lists, newsroom positions, commercial/advertisement prices, and Google Drive accounts.
       Today was our trial run for a lot of things.  The bosses started their first official meeting with a set agenda.  We will keep everyone updated starting next week.  Today was crazy trying to produce a news broadcast and paper in less than three hours.  Stay tuned in.

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